Catering Heating & Serving Instructions

Pop’s Italian Beef Instructions: A few things to note, our beef is already cooked. To ensure the meat does not get dried out or tough we always want to remind our customers we are only trying to heat for serving purposes. Also, the beef is tightly packaged after it is freshly sliced- it will expand! You only need to heat what will be eaten in the first serving. Although the steps are simple, it is important that you read and follow all steps to guarantee maximum quality.


1. Our beef is packaged separate from the gravy. First step is to heat the gravy separately on the stovetop or in a Crockpot.

2. Pour all of the gravy into your heating dish. This includes all spices and solids in the gravy.

3. Cook over medium heat until gravy temperature reaches 180 degrees. DO NOT BOIL.
a. On a stovetop this usually takes 20 minutes.
b. In a Crockpot this can take anywhere from 1-2 hours. It is difficult to determine exactly how long due to the varying power wattages of different models.
4. When gravy reaches temperature, add the beef to the gravy. Do this in small increments. Our beef is sliced very thinly to guarantee it will be tender when heated properly. When adding it to the gravy in small amounts you are simply “fluffing” the beef. It will create a more flavorful and tender sandwich.

5. When adding more beef to the pan, always remember to stir after. The beef will be ready to eat in approximately 1 minute. Take temperature of the gravy as you add the beef. For maximum flavor and tenderness, keep temperature between 165 – 180 degrees. Adjust Crockpot settings or flame as needed